[영어공부] 통역, 번역에 관한 문장집 Interpretation and Translation

지난 시드니 워터 프레젠테이션에 이어 캔버라에서 진행한 통역 아르바이트 이후 요즘 부쩍 통역 문의가 많이 들어옵니다. 통역 일을 하면서 좋은 점, 그리고 동시에 어려운 점도 있지만 곧 새로운 세계에 관해 배우게 된다는 것입니다. 한시간동안 통역을 하기위해 몇일 공부를 하기도 하고 때로는 어렵고 부담스럽기도 하지만 알게 모르게 배울점이 많고 재미있기도 합니다. 그래서 오늘은 통역, 번역 관련 영어 문구를 모아봤습니다. 지난 시드니 워터 프레젠테이션에 이어 캔버라에서 진행한 통역 아르바이트 이후 요즘 부쩍 통역 문의가 많이 들어옵니다. 통역 일을 하면서 좋은 점, 그리고 동시에 어려운 점도 있지만 곧 새로운 세계에 관해 배우게 된다는 것입니다. 한시간동안 통역을 하기위해 몇일 공부를 하기도 하고 때로는 어렵고 부담스럽기도 하지만 알게 모르게 배울점이 많고 재미있기도 합니다. 그래서 오늘은 통역, 번역 관련 영어 문구를 모아봤습니다.

emmages, 출처 Unsplash emmages, 출처 Unsplash

“Translation is something that changes everything so that nothing changes” (Gyunter Glass) “Translation is something that changes everything so that nothing changes” (Gyunter Glass)

“Translation is about transforming everything and making sure nothing changes. ” That’s right. It changes to another language, but the meaning is the same after all… transforming everything so that nothing changes… It’s amazing that the characteristics of the translation are firmly pinched and expressed well. “Translation is not a science, it’s an art.” – Jean-Claude Carrière “Translation is about transforming everything and making sure nothing changes. ” That’s right. It changes to another language, but the meaning is the same after all… transforming everything so that nothing changes… It’s amazing that the characteristics of the translation are firmly pinched and expressed well. “Translation is not a science, it’s an art.” – Jean-Claude Carrière

「번역은 과학이 아니라 술 다」”In the end, it is impossible to translate a poem: It must be recreated” (Adrien Rich) 「번역은 과학이 아니라 술 다」”In the end, it is impossible to translate a poem: It must be recreated” (Adrien Rich)

“In the end, it is impossible to translate poetry: it must be created again.” Ah… poetry-like parts are really difficult. So we need to be created again··· “In the end, it is impossible to translate poetry: it must be created again.” Ah… poetry-like parts are really difficult. So we need to be created again···

thomascpark, 출처 Unsplash thomascpark, 출처 unsplash

“Without translation, we would have lived in a region close to silence.” (George Steiner) “Without translation, we would have lived in a region close to silence.” (George Steiner)

「번역이 없다면 우리는 침묵의 경계에 있는 지방에 살고 있을 것이다.” “Without translation, I would be limited to my own country’s borders. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world.” (Italo Calvino) 「번역이 없다면 우리는 침묵의 경계에 있는 지방에 살고 있을 것이다.” “Without translation, I would be limited to my own country’s borders. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world.” (Italo Calvino)

“Without the translation, I would have been trapped within the boundaries of my country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world. “Language is not just a ‘language’ but a culture, and I think it is in a similar context to a new world for the entire cultural sphere that uses that language when learning one language. “Translation is creative reinterpretation.” – Harley Armel “Without the translation, I would have been trapped within the boundaries of my country. The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world. “Language is not just a ‘language’ but a culture, and I think it is in a similar context to a new world for the entire cultural sphere that uses that language when learning one language. “Translation is creative reinterpretation.” – Harley Armel

「번역은 창조적 재해석다」이”Translation is a way of expressing respect for the original text” (Maureen Freelie) 「번역은 창조적 재해석다」이”Translation is a way of expressing respect for the original text” (Maureen Freelie)

“Translation is a way of expressing respect for the original.” “Translation is a way of expressing respect for the original.”

tomhermans, 출처 Unsplash tomhermans, 출처 unsplash

“The best translators know that their best works are invisible.” (Norman Shapiro) “The best translators know that their best works are invisible.” (Norman Shapiro)

“Translators know that the best translation is not noticeable.” I think it’s a situation where they don’t even know that it’s translated because it’s so natural. “Every language is an interpretation.” – Jorge Luis Borges “The translator knows that the best translation is not noticeable.” I think it’s a situation where you don’t even know that it’s translated because it’s so natural. “Every language is an interpretation.” – Jorge Luis Borges

「모든 언어는 하나의 」석다이”Translation is not just about writing in another language, but about understanding other people’s minds” (Herman Hesse) 「모든 언어는 하나의 」석다이”Translation is not just about writing in another language, but about understanding other people’s minds” (Herman Hesse)

“Translation is not just about writing in other languages, it’s about understanding other people’s minds.” This is the last famous quote of Hermann Hesse. It’s not just writing in another language, it’s translation to understand other people’s minds…it seems to mean that communication without a soul is not really communication after all. “Translation is not just about writing in other languages, it’s about understanding other people’s minds.” This is the last famous quote of Hermann Hesse. It’s not just writing in another language, it’s translation to understand other people’s minds…it seems to mean that communication without a soul is not really communication after all.

출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains 출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains

I once told my friend about the story I was interpreting. At the end of the long meeting…I was also very tired, but there were sentences that were mostly in English except for postpositions and endings…For example, “That’s why Granpa hit the ball and the window broke.”··· Fortunately, as people from Korea kindly said, I am very grateful that they sometimes hear words but do not connect… My friends laughed a lot when they heard this story. And consolation that doing what they need is probably doing better than doing a lot from my point of view when people work? You even complimented me. So at that time, I thought about the job of interpreting from a slightly different perspective. Interpreters, of course, require linguistic understanding and communication, but I felt that I had to pay more attention to the mental aspects so that I could truly communicate between people and groups. I once told my friend about the story I was interpreting. At the end of the long meeting…I was also very tired, but there were sentences that were mostly in English except for postpositions and endings…For example, “That’s why Granpa hit the ball and the window broke.”··· Fortunately, as people from Korea kindly said, I am very grateful that they sometimes hear words but do not connect… My friends laughed a lot when they heard this story. And consolation that doing what they need is probably doing better than doing a lot from my point of view when people work? You even complimented me. So at that time, I thought about the job of interpreting from a slightly different perspective. Interpreters, of course, require linguistic understanding and communication, but I felt that I had to pay more attention to the mental aspects so that I could truly communicate between people and groups.

출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains 출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains

Today, I had a post with English conversations about interpreting and translating as well as episodes of my part-time interpreter job. Thank you for staying with me until the end. I wish you a peaceful and happy day. This is the end of today’s blog. Thank you. Today, I posted an English story about translation and translation as well as an episode of my part-time interpreter job. Thank you for staying with me until the end. I wish you a peaceful and happy day. This is the end of today’s blog. Thank you.

[Australia’s small daily life] Do you feel at ease when you come back to Sydney after finishing a two-day translation part-time job in Canberra at Canberra? Blog… blog.naver.com [Australia’s small daily life] Do you feel at ease when you come back to Sydney after finishing a two-day translation part-time job in Canberra at Canberra? Blog… blog.naver.com



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